Tips for playing bondage game

Tips for playing bondage game.
You may be surprised, but there are numerous amounts of couples who tried some kind of bondage and even more of them who would like to give it a try. Bondage is exciting and can be performed with the accessories that you already have in your wardrobe (in case if you are not ready to visit a sex shop). The power exchange during the game is the source of new feelings and experiences. If you want to know more about safe and pleasant bondage games, we are ready to share some tips.
No strangers allowed
Bondage is about trust, so please perform your first play with the partner you can totally rely on. Otherwise, it may be unsafe and unpleasant.
Get your partner ready
In our previous article you can find out how to talk about kinky experience with your partner. Read it if you’ve never tried any kink.
Forget the stereotypes
If you think the safe word is necessary just because the play is dangerous, please change your mind. Bondage can be very romantic. And the safe word exists for your comfort.
Choose the position
And do not be afraid to try both (sub and dom), if you are not sure what you like more.
Take simple steps
In the very beginning you can try a blindfold only. Everyone has a nice soft scarf in the wardrobe. It will be perfect for your first experience. Blindfold is a barrier that actually lets you come closer to your partner and take some control (or be under control).
Level up
Once you are ready to bring extra accessories to your bedroom, it’s time for restraints! Not sure if your partner like it? At first try to pin the arms to the mattress using your own hands. If both of you like it, then you may like a pair of handcuffs. Why are they so good? Because the handcuffs hold the partner’s hands still, while your hands are free to do other nice things with the naked body.
Show the harnesses
For those who are eager to try more complicated stuff, harnesses are amazing addition to the play. Before using harnesses, make sure you can easily undo all the knots you are going to tie. Harnesses are so useful for keeping the body in the same position for some period. It’s much easier to hold the legs together if the ankles are tied by the rope. Agree? Moreover, harnesses are the ultimate accessory for the teasing games. Being able to control your partner or being totally under control is the way to the highest levels of sexual arousal.
Whatever you choose for your bondage experience, we remind you that the goal of any game is having fun and pleasure.
Respect each other and have a great sex!